


About Perfume

Thierry Wasser composed his bouquet like a florist, with a light, exuberant touch, to encapsulate the idea of the idyll, a joyous, l ight-hearted romance. He had to measure every drop to achieve the perfect harmony, to arouse unprecedented and unforgettable sensations through the power of scent. In this combination of the chypre sensuality and the intimate facet of musk, with the bouquet of f lowers, the declaration of love symbol, he manages to express the sensuous and romantic idea of the idyll. This fragrance merited a masterpiece. Ora Ito, the iconoclast, designed for Idylle a tear of joy and feminine hapiness, a love drop, a golden drop. The Eau de Toilette, a reorchestration of the Eau de Parfum essential notes, preserves the floral chypre signature with a fresher and greener interpretation that highlights the floral bouquet . Lily-of-the-valley, white lilac, a touch of peony and freesia, the purest jasmine…
The heart of the fragrance is a blend of Bulgarian Roses hand-picked in the Bulgarian valleys at dawn, when their scent is at its height, then selected one by one by Thierry Wasser, the Guerlain Perfumer. These roses mark the Idylle Eau de Toilette as a Guerlain fragrance, from top to base, body and soul.

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